
Bai Bu(Mi Zhi)

Bai Bu (Stemona root). Its scientific name is Radix Stemonae. It is sweet and bitter in flavor and slightly warm in nature. It contains Lipids that form a protective layer around the organs protecting them from injuries, and protein which are an essential part of the diet. As per TCM definition it mainly enters the Lung channel. It is more effective in moistening the lungs and it is generally used for cough, especially for chronic and deficient type when used stir-baked with honey. In addition, Bai Bu can help to treat intestinal parasites, especially pinworm. It is also effective used topically as a tincture or wash for head and body lice.
Stemona sessilifolia(Miq.)Miq
Part Used: Root
More Information
Product Name Bai Bu(Mi Zhi)
Chinese Name 百部(蜜制)
PaoZhi Processed PaoZhi Processed
Product Size 100g / Bottle
Product Code HSB030
Featured Product No
Expiry Date 2027-11-30 00:00:00

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Bai Bu(Mi Zhi)

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