
Fei Yan Tea

Fei Yan Diet Tea | Oolong Tea | 40 Teabags

Authentic Fei Yan Diet Tea: 40 teabags

Mix & match on Aura Herbal Tea, Longjing Green Tea + FeiYan Tea. 

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Please note: we have updated our Fei Yan Tea packaging! We have maintained the original traditional concept with a new, modern design. 

The new design features 55% less packaging as we have removed the inner boxes. All items will now be sent in one box which contains 2 foil bags of 20 teabags each (40 teabags total) to reduce waste. 

Same great product, new fresh design. 

We're proud to announce our exclusive partnership with the original creator of Fei Yan Tea 正品飞燕.

The most popular diet tea in Europe.

30 years ago Fei Yan tea was launched in the West. Since then, many counterfeit products had been produced and the market saturated with poor quality products, causing health risks to patients.

At Phoenix, we understand the importance of patient safety, and therefore we pledged that we would only work with the original creator and supply the authentic product. We're pleased to be able to provide this product to TCM practitioners in the UK and Europe, to help guide people through their weight control journey safely.

Genuine, authentic product supplied by Phoenix Medical.

A natural way to detoxify your body by promoting metabolism.

Ingredients – 100% herbal and natural:

  • Lotus Leaf (He Ye)
  • Spongegourd (Si Gua Luo)
  • Tangerine Peel (Chen Pi)
  • Rhubarb Root (Da Huang)
  • Astragalus Root (Huang Qi)
  • Hawthorn Fruit (Shan Zha)
  • FiverLeaf Gynostemma Herb (Jiao Gu Lan)
  • Genmaicha (Brown Rice Tea)
  • Stevia Leaf
  • Oolong Tea

Directions: Brew one tea bag in a mug of boiling water for a few minutes. Start off gently by sipping 1 teabag per day. Progressively increase the number of teabags over a number of weeks, but do not exceed 3 bags per day.

It is important to start gently by using 1 teabag and monitor how your body responds.

Caution: The product is not suitable for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women. Do not exceed recommended dosage.

More Information
Product Name Fei Yan Tea
Chinese Name 正品飞燕
Product Code WT140
Featured Product No
Expiry Date 2029-12-31 00:00:00

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