
He Huan Hua

Dried SilkTree Flowers (He Huan Hua) comes from the Mimosa tree that is native to China. These can grow up to 50 feet tall and produce fern-like leaves and 7 inch seed pods. The properties of this herb are sweet and neutral. 



- May help treat insomnia 

- Can assist with mental health disorders 

- May aid irritability 

- May help blood circulation 

- Can help reduce swelling and abscesses on the skin 


All Phoenix Medical dry authentic herbs are free of sulphur, herbicides and pesticides.

Albizia julibrissin Durazz
Part Used:Flower
More Information
Product Name He Huan Hua
Chinese Name 合欢花
Product Size 500g / Bag
Product Code HDH050
Featured Product No
Expiry Date 2029-11-30 00:00:00

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