
Mu Gua

Dried Papaya is also known as Chinese Quince Fruit or Mu Gua. It has a slightly sour taste, unlike the sweeter fresh papaya. The dried papaya is a great source of fibre and has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for centuries. It can be eaten raw, ripe and dried. The fruit is sweeter when ripe but slightly sourer when dried but makes a great chewy snack. You can also make facemasks with the fruit as it may help moisturise your skin, making it feel healthy.

Dried papaya also works well in baked food like bread, cookies or muffins.


Chaenomeles speciosa(Sweet)Nakai
Part Used: Fruit
More Information
Product Name Mu Gua
Chinese Name 木瓜
Product Size 100g / Bottle
Product Code HSM080
Featured Product No
Expiry Date 2027-11-30 00:00:00

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